Sunday, 12 April 2015

Net Neutrality In India Too


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Friday, 8 August 2014

Bleach , Possiblities

Now a days when progress of story in bleach is very slow, I keep wondering about some events in Bleach. One of the most important things I got stuck and may have found a revelation/plot point that is big. I wanted to share my ideas on the even with you.
The point being how Ichigo lost his power and then reclaimed them.

As we know original Quincy technique, Letz Still give powers to a quincy in exchange of losing their power.

We know that Ichigo was reliant mainly upon his quincy power/manifestation when fighting Aizen. So what if the overpowered Mugetsu was actually a Letz Still effect.

We also know that quincy recover from effect of Letz Still after being completely empty on power and then being pierced by reishi arrow near to heart.

Isn't same thing happened to Ichigo, since he also lost all his power power to Ginjo and then rukia stabbed with a sword of reishi (Note here that he was not pierced with a zanpakuto) but a reishi sword made by Urahara, who knew that Ichigo was part quincy.

What do you people think, is it possible or not?

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

18th July 2013

Hello People!!

I am in KGP again. Nothing new on the web design or C++  front. Will start again on them as soon as my
registration in the new semester is clear.

I went in my village after many many days.   Met with my cousin.  First time ever that felt  like home even without  any  people  being there. I was happy there.

For clearance my village in rural area of Bihar, India. First time ever in my living memory there was electricity there  with more  than  20 hour of availabilty.  I am  hoping this  doesn't  just breaks the   continuity.

Shubhendu Anupam  Dutta

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Today 30.06.13

Today I am doing nothing. Because I wasted all of my money on expensive food. Will you believe all my money damn it.
Any way i am refreshing my knowledge of C++ and learning HTML.
Just completed the chapter on pointers on class.
Starting JavaScript in HTML.

Any how i have created two websites. In which all codes are written by me.
My Own Website
My Schools Website

Both are far from complete but as I progress in my studies I will update them.

I also have created many small C++ programs. Any one wanting them contact me.
I am giving an image of all the programs available.